Víctor Manuel Pineda Murcia

Android senior programmer. Clean code lover.

Who I am

Hi there, I'm Víctor, Android senior developer with more than six years’ experience. I started learning Android by my own after I finished my degree in computer science in Murcia (Spain). I began learning Android by developing my first project, a mobile pedometer, which counted distance traveled, burned calories and so on. Before that, I had worked developing web applications and desktop software as well. In comparison with these technologies and frameworks, I found Android development more satisfactory and enjoyable, so I decided to specialize in this area of software development. Then, I started my career in the world of work in a small startup company developing a CRM/ERP product based. After that, I moved to a bigger consultancy company with a great variety of projects when I have continued developing my programming skills.

I really like clean and well structured code. I love reading blogs and articles related with Android development as soon as they are out, to keep me updated in this quickly changing environment. Also, I enjoy watching development conferencies like Google I/O or Android dev summit. I think they are a great base of knowledge where you can learn really interesting things.

I devote part of my free time to develop personal projects as well. All these proyects you can find on my GitHub page have something in common. All of them are ideas I have extracted from my daily work. I am a clean code lover, and when I find myself doing something repetitive or with some boilerplate code involved, I try to improve it somehow. And in some cases, the ideas that come to mind end up becoming a separated library which can be reused across different projects.

I hope you find this libraries usefull. If you have any doubt or question, do not hesitate to contact me in: vicpinmm@gmail.com.